Aerial image of a landfill

Solid Waste Management

Raptors employee stands with a gyrfalcon on her glove

For over two decades, The Raptors have successfully provided effective wildlife services for a wide variety of waste management sites, both on the coast and across Canada.

Waste management sites are busy, fast-paced environments. They receive a steady supply of solid waste, in the forms of garbage, recycling and green waste, which can provide food for opportunistic birds. Wildlife feeding on garbage can have significant impacts on operational safety, obstructing work procedures, moving waste off-site, negatively impacting customer experience, and potentially spreading disease.

The food provided by waste management sites is high-value and feeding birds quickly become dependent – conventional wildlife control techniques are often insufficient in managing problem birds. Falconry is a green and effective solution to waste management wildlife issues. Exploiting natural predator-prey relationships, the strategic use of falconry is a tool to which target species do not become habituated.

Wildlife Management Programs

Safe and effective falconry-based wildlife programs planned and executed by our knowledgeable team of professionals, specially tailoired to suit the needs of our clients.

Raptors employee stands in front of a lake with a red-tailed hawk on her glove

Wildlife Assessments & plans

Detailed asessments of wildlife using your site, including attractants, habitat considerations, and best management practices by species.

Close up of a Barn Owl

Personnel Training

Online, on site, or in-class instruction on best practices for wildlife management techniques and tools. Training focuses on tool deployment and safety, animal behaviour, management theory, and best practices to maximize efficacy while minimizing habitutation from target species.

Woman stands with a bald eagle on her glove

We Service

  • Landfills
  • Transfer Stations
  • Green Waste Centres
  • and More!

Questions, or looking for a quote?

Contact Us

(250) 746-0372

1877 Herd Rd. Duncan, BC. Canada. V9L 5W4

Also known as "Pacific Northwest Raptors Ltd."